- 建表语句
create table demorange(
int serial8,
val int,
crt timestamp
) partition by range (crt);
- 创建过去30天的分区
do language plpgsql
for i in 0..30 loop
execute format($date$ create table demorange_%s partition of demorange for values from ( %L ) to ( %L ) $date$,
to_char(current_date-i-1, 'mmdd'), current_date - i - 1, current_date - i );
end loop;
- 查看分区
select a.relname part,c.relname parent
from pg_class a
join pg_inherits b on a.oid = b.inhrelid
join pg_class c on c.oid = b.inhparent
where c.relname = 'demorange';
- 插入数据
insert into demorange(val, crt) select random(), current_date - (random()*30 + 1 )::int
from generate_series(1,100000);
-- 或者
insert into demorange(val, crt) select random(), current_date + ((-(random()*30+1)*24)::int || 'hour')::interval
from generate_series(1,100000);
- 检查数据
select * from demorange where crt < current_date-3 and crt > current_date-4;
select * from demorange_0821;
- 建表语句
create table demolist(
int serial8,
type_code varchar,
val int
) partition by list (type_code);
- 建立分区
do language plpgsql
for i in 0..30 loop
execute format($list$ create table demolist_%s partition of demolist for values in (%s) $list$,
i, i);
end loop;
- 插入数据
insert into demolist(type_code, val) select (random()*30)::int, random() from generate_series(1, 100000);
- 建表语句
create table demohash(
int serial8,
val int,
crt timestamp
) partition by hash (val);
- 建立分区
do language plpgsql
for i in 0..30 loop
execute format($list$ create table demohash_%s partition of demohash for values with (modulus 31, remainder %s) $list$,
i, i);
end loop;
- 插入数据
insert into demohash(val, crt) select (random()*10000)::int, current_date - ((random()*1000)::int||'hour')::interval
from generate_series(1, 100000);
-- 查询分区表
select * from demohash;
select * from demohash_1;
文档更新时间: 2024-04-23 14:10 作者:阿力